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FES Official Attendance Time (ADA): 9:55 AM

Attendance is critical for a student's academic, social, and character development. Absences are excused due to sickness, doctor visits, and family emergencies. Notifying the office in writing or via email when your child is or will be absent is required. In addition, a parent note or doctor excuse must be sent when your child returns to school. Additional information can be found in the Student Code of Conduct.

Campuses, parents and guardians are required by law to monitor student’s attendance at school and to require that students attend class for the full school day. Parents who do not fulfill this obligation are subject to persecution under Education Code 25.093.

Each day our staff works diligently to equip your child with the experiences and skills necessary for a productive future. We are asking for your cooperation and assistance in the matter of ensuring your child is in school each day.

If you must miss a portion of the school day due to a sickness or an appointment, please report your student's absence via email to our attendance clerk, Tyler Lamon at or by sending a note within 3 days upon your child's return.